A perfect weather day saw 2 of our regular swimmers take on their longest swims to date.
Starting at Monk end we had cheery Hamish who has a bit of a history of picking up prizes in swim events. A talented family who we have had the pleasure of working with , and now Dads turn to earn his cap. A fast flawless Coniston solo finishing in an awesome 2 hours and 18 minutes, encouraged in by the family. Fantastic.
No time to hang around as Francine was ready and waiting at the jetty. Another family affair with her boys waving her off the start line. Francine has really come a long way in her swim. 400m used to be a challenge as her anxiety used to get the better of her. Following a training plan provided, she did not miss a session and really did overcome her swim worries. Feeding hourly nice and fast, Francine was escorted the last couple of miles by her boys. In a superb time of 3 hours and 45 minutes.