Dominic Bunce returned for his 2nd Adventure with Uswim and took on his biggest swim to date. 2 Way Windermere all 21 miles of it. This wetsuit wearing swim machine has his sights set at an English Channel Solo and this swim certainly confirmed the need to ditch the wetsuit. With his Dad Spencer joining us on the Boat for a 1 Way Dom had an anxious start due to not feeling as sharp as last year, but this didnt stop him from swimming his 1 way in just over 6 hours with a consistent 44 stroke count for 10.5 miles.
With Dad dropped off at Fell Foot Park we started the 2 way with Dom feeling a little disappointed in his 1 way time, so we quickly reminded him he had paced well with another 10.5 miles to go. Hour 7 and 8 of Swimming were the worst for Dom with his head battling against him, but our very own DQ jumped in for a swim and BOOM spirits lifted.
Dom had a bit of a head wind at times on the return leg but nothing this strong swimmer could not contend with, more boat traffic meant frequent swells causing rock and roll, but great prep for big seas. Dom's stroke count never dropped, he was a fast feeder and stretched at each stop.
Clapped in by some Lake Users that had spotted us throughout the day, Dom walked out of the water at Ambleside Pier 12 hours and 38 minutes later. A superb drama free swim! Met by Spencer the very proud Dad.