Was a rather rainy start on Thursday 30th July when this duo Amy Wyatt and Su Shortt started their 2 Way WIndermere Relay. The Lake was like glass and conditions amazing, just needed some sunshine and it was the perfect day. Both ladies have swam the English Channel Relay with Uswim Teams and have a long list of swim events they have completed between them. Their main goal this year being an Around Jersey Island 2 Person Relay. A stunning sea swim with strong tides ( thankfully in your favour) beautifully scenary and non stinging jellyfish.
The conditions for the whole day were amazing and the ladies never complained and continued at a strong consistent pace. The 1 way was completed in 6 hours which is a great time and then the return leg took 6 hours and 10 minutes.
The ladies finished their 2 Way in 12 hours and 10 minutes, a superb time and a real confidence boost for the Round Jersey Swim in September ( subject to Covid of course).