It seemed so long ago with this swim was booked. A different event for this duo who enjoy triathlons and half distances. Well I say enjoy, more endure. This was the first long relay swim , but the ladies were ready having followed training guidance aiming them to the 12 hour Swim Challenge first and then topping their swimming if with Windermere.
It was a moody Monday weather wise, forecast was a bit blowy in parts but the skilled navigation of DQ and ability of our swimmers meant it didnt really pose a problem. Francine started the first leg at Fell Foot with a beaming smile on her face throughout. Then it was Heather;s turn. Both ladies were in great spirits and embracing this opportunity.
Half way down Windermere, the wind picked up as forecast which meant a bit of rock and roll, but you cant have a smooth run all the time.
After 7 hours and 50 minutes the ladies completed their swim and touched the jetty side by side.
What a fabulous day out. Well done ladies.