What better way to prep for an English Channel Relay swim on June 3rd, than to hop onto a boat and relay the day away. On Tuesday 12th April, Team Juliett came together just before Christmas with new recruits Ava and Emma joining this mighty force. This was the first training swim together. A chance to really get to know each other, to learn about the channel swim itself, relay rules, changeovers and most of all to get some team swimming in.
It sort of a dry day, but water temperatures were a challenging 9 degrees. With an early Channel slot the cool temps were not a bad thing but we reduced swim times to accommodate this to 30 minutes each. The format being Paul, Ava, Emma and then Carl.
We used the buddy system so everyone had 1 named person who were their named glamourous assistant for the day, getting clothes ready, helping dress etc. The system worked similar to penguins keeping warm. As one snuggled into the middle and got warm , the person on the outside moved further out and so the re warming began.
Obvioulsy it was taking longer to re warm and the team did a fantastic job of keeping spirits high, whilst focusing on being ready ( or not) for their next swim.
True team bonding experience, that brought them together as Team Juliett. Well done.