Following a date confusion and fate playing its part, on Sunday 27th September we met Claire at Ambleside , smiling and raring to go. And what a day, the skies were bright blue and sun was shining, it was going to be a stunner.
The water temperature was a perfect 16 degrees and Windermere was still and calm. Not a breeze to be felt as Claire started chipping away at the miles ahead. After 1 hour Claire asked " how far have we done?", we just laughed and did not get into that so early on in the swim. The feeds came around fast but so did cramp and within the first 2 and half hours Claire had halted in the water with calf cramp, not too severe as she relaxed allowing it to pass, but still a concern at this stage.
As we approached the Ferry Crossing, Claire was looking less relaxed in the water. At the next feed we confirmed how far we had completed, that she was on track and the more times she stopped the longer we would be. Claire just giggled and got her head back down. She definitely began to put more effort into her swim after this, but the wind had also decided to make an appearance, slight but onward so making progress was slightly hindered.
At points it was clear that Claire doubted completing this swim, the water temperature was not an issue , but shoulders were niggling and she had naturally slowed a little. Her smiley demeanor disappeared, but only temporary and once the end was in sight Claire switched to the " lets do this attitude". Head down and off she went.
7 hours and 39 minutes Claire had completed her solo Windermere, very happy to see the jetty and the biggest smile ever. Well Done!