Rick was "bricking it" in his words when he met us at the start of his swim. With his ambitions of swimming the English Channel this Windermere solo would test him mentally and physically. At the start he handed over a box of food whuich included white nutella muffins and cocktail sausages. Perfect party food. A strange combination but as we say feeding is very individual.
This was also the first time Rick had swam supported by a boat, and after the initial start we had to ask him to change sides due to him pulling sharply away from the boat as he would have clocked up unnecessary extra miles continuing like that. Once he was on the right of us he could no longer pull away staying close to the boat.
Rick was in great spirits loving the attention from passing Lake cruisers and had many training Jets pass overhead during his swim. At the halfway marker in 4 hours but it was here when Rick started to feel uncomfortable and his shoulders had started to ache. He continued but was quieter and quieter and feeds, and eventually with 1 mile to go his humour was back shouting "are we there yet?", with a more colourful choice of words chosen.
After a tough 8 hours and 30 minutes Rick had completed this biggest swim to date, met by his lovely partner who had been tracking his swim from the hot tub :)